Monday 28 October 2013

Write Effective Emails that Engage Readers

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16 Tips For Writing Better Emails 

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Writing an enews that engages readers requires thought and discipline. Rants, poor grammar, harsh language, one-word subject lines, and sketchy formatting will reduce the reader's absorption into the important information you are trying to communicate. 

I know, I know. You hate going through a deluge of emails that land in your inbox every morning. You claim you never look at many before hitting delete. That is the downside of an enews. 

However, when you think about it, I'll bet there are some you check more than you realize, especially from companies you know.  

Monday 21 October 2013

Hands On Democracy In Action

Being Politically Active Helps You Become Part of the Solution

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Hands On Democracy In Action was written as an Op Ed piece for the Calgary Herald. It addresses voter apathy, low voter turnouts, and gives 8 reasons why everyday citizens should get into the game.  

Calgary, AB; It is finished. Finito. Terminé. Last week we learned who was in and who was out as the deadline for nominations passed. This past weekend municipal candidates popped the clutch at all levels. Bring it on, baby.

Close To the Action
Municipal elections are the most hands on of all democratic processes. Political futures are shaped for a lifetime of community service because the grass roots level provides a realistic understanding of how democracy works. Alberta candidates are in races to become our Mayors, City or Town Councillors, School Board Trustees, County Councillors, and Reeves.