Wednesday 4 October 2017

Network Your Way to Success

A solid handshake can be the first step towards forming a relationship. 

Written by Robyn T. Braley

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I’m a habitual networker. I just can’t stop. I network everywhere I go.

Why? Because I have made business connections that resulted in signing contracts at every kind of event you can name.

The purpose of networking is not to collect a pocket full of business cards. It is to connect and begin a conversation that will lead to forming some level of meaningful relationship.

The biggest reason I love networking is that I love people. The synergy created by the buzz in a room full of people at a conference is energizing. 

As we learned through COVID, engaging online is totally different than engaging with others live and in-person. 

Networking is an inexpensive but highly effective marketing tool. It is a great way to build your personal or company brand.

For some, networking is natural and easy. For others, it is one of the most frightening exercises you can imagine.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Engage Readers with Formatting Tips for Online Writing

Format your Blog, LinkedIn, FaceBook posts and Website pages
for better engagement!

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Writing online content requires a different approach than writing for essays, reports magazines or newspapers.

Content that effectively tells your story and engages readers requires thought and crafting. Short is always good, but not at the expense of meaning. 

It wasn't long ago that social media experts were adamant that blog posts should never be more than 500 words long. They didn't believe people would read longer articles.

That has changed. The general rule of thumb today is to write as much content as you need to tell your story. 

Thursday 17 August 2017

Basic Business Communications Principles Deliver Results

Interview with Robyn T. Braley and other industry experts 

A fun part of my business is being interviewed by various radio show hosts, podcast producers, TV news reporters and magazine or newspaper writers. My expertise ranges from business and personal branding topics to community service and politics. 

After speaking at Buildex Vancouver earlier this year I was contacted by a writer doing a story for the Journal of Commerce about business communications basics. How could I say no?

Robyn delivering a sold-out keynote address at Buildex Edmonton

The article focuses on person-to-person, mainstream media and social media communications tips. The Journal of Commerce is a leader in delivering essential construction news and other relevant information to Western Canada’s construction marketplace. 

The magazine is published twice weekly and is available in hard copy and online. The Journal of Commerce has been a trusted resource for over 100 years. 

It's always cool reading, watching or listening to an interview you've done as soon as it is published or goes to air. As I read this story when it came out, I learned a couple of new things from others who were quoted.

Thursday 4 May 2017

Content Tips for Social Media Success - Easy to Use

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Businesses leaping into social media may be setting themselves up for disappointment. Don't get me wrong, if your company is not active on social media, time is passing! The key is to do it the right way. 

The common question I hear from my clients is, "Where do we start?" There are so many platform choices, social media protocols and other requirements that many business owners decide not to do anything.  

I have narrowed down the process to a step-by-step journey.  I go back to the basics that will help you make the leap. 

All platforms - FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tic Tok, Blogging - require quality content. In this post, I explain what content is and why it is the engine that drives social media. I will help you identify content that is relevant and will provide value to your customers. 

Monday 30 January 2017

Reduce the Time it Takes to Properly Manage Your Social Media

Written by Robyn T. Braley

You know you should do it. But, you've been putting it off for all of these years. You have a personal Facebook page and know social media can be addictive. Yes Virginia, if not done properly, it can be a complete-time waster. 

As you think about the time required to launch and manage a social media program for your business, chills may run down your spine! I'm here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be like that.

Relax. There's hope. I'm here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be like that.

Before going further, let's ask this question, "Why does my business need social media as part of its brand program?" 

The answer is simple. Social media has become part of the fabric of doing business. 
According to one source, 60% of the buying decision process is completed before a sales rep is ever contacted or you go into a place of business. The potential customer, employee, supplier or other people of interest has checked out the product or company online.

My kids never buy anything before thoroughly checking it out online. I’ve been with them in a retail store when they’ve used their phone to compare a competitor’s product. My son-in-law is a master at comparative shopping.