Tuesday 31 December 2013

What Makes An Effective Website - the Fundamentals

Part 2 of 2; Online Presence

Written by Robyn T. Braley

In Part 1 discussed the 3 elements of online marketing. I also explained the 4 steps that must be taken to develop meaningful relationships with your customers; know, like, trust and engage.I ended with my easy to understand definition of branding.   

An effective online presence is imperative in 2014. People search for products, services, locations and other relevant information online. They buy cars, make hotel registrations, seek manufacturing services, source drillbits or look for jobs. If you can’t be easily found, you are not in the game.

A dynamic, engaging site that loads quickly, is easy to navigate and clearly demonstrates your products or services will invite visitors to want to learn more. First impressions are where you start building meaningful relationships with your customers.  

Monday 28 October 2013

Write Effective Emails that Engage Readers

eNews icon
Icon Designed by UniMark Creative

16 Tips For Writing Better Emails 

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Writing an enews that engages readers requires thought and discipline. Rants, poor grammar, harsh language, one-word subject lines, and sketchy formatting will reduce the reader's absorption into the important information you are trying to communicate. 

I know, I know. You hate going through a deluge of emails that land in your inbox every morning. You claim you never look at many before hitting delete. That is the downside of an enews. 

However, when you think about it, I'll bet there are some you check more than you realize, especially from companies you know.  

Monday 21 October 2013

Hands On Democracy In Action

Being Politically Active Helps You Become Part of the Solution

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Hands On Democracy In Action was written as an Op Ed piece for the Calgary Herald. It addresses voter apathy, low voter turnouts, and gives 8 reasons why everyday citizens should get into the game.  

Calgary, AB; It is finished. Finito. Terminé. Last week we learned who was in and who was out as the deadline for nominations passed. This past weekend municipal candidates popped the clutch at all levels. Bring it on, baby.

Close To the Action
Municipal elections are the most hands on of all democratic processes. Political futures are shaped for a lifetime of community service because the grass roots level provides a realistic understanding of how democracy works. Alberta candidates are in races to become our Mayors, City or Town Councillors, School Board Trustees, County Councillors, and Reeves.

Friday 20 September 2013

How to Create a Powerful Elevator Speech - Sales, Networking, Social Media!

How to create a branded elevator speech.

Eight Tips for Creating an Elevator Speech that Works

Written by Robyn T. Braley

The other day I was asked, “What’s an elevator speech?” It is probably not what you think it is.

It is certainly not a spontaneous speech given by a political candidate in an elevator packed with victims praying earnestly that the door will open at the next floor. Make that any floor. 

Neither is it a motivational speech designed to “lift” the sales team to new heights of peak performance. 

Saturday 7 September 2013

Crisis Media - The Good, The Bad, and The Very Ugly

14 Tips for Responding to Media Inquiries in the Midst of a Crisis

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Adrienne Arsenault of the CBC The National, Global TV’s Dawna Friessen, and CTV’s Lisa Laflamme are in the lobby with their camera crews demanding a comment. In the parking lot in front of your head office is a gaggle of newspaper, radio and more TV reporters.

Mobile trucks are parked across the street where technicians are busy locking onto satellite signals. Just when you think it can’t get worse, in walks Anderson Cooper from CNN. Great, now the story has developed legs and gone global.

Thursday 1 August 2013

Re-branding the Pig and the Cow

Re-branding the cow!
Re-branding the  Cow

Written by Robyn T. Braley 

I am still asked the question when I speak about branding or communication. “What exactly is a brand?” 

The question often comes from older people who think "brand" refers only to a logo. On the other side, similar questions come from younger people who are confused by the overuse of the term. 

I’m not surprised. The word is thrown around in different ways and in different contexts. No wonder there is confusion.

Crises Communication; Managing the Risk

When Lightning Strikes
Written by Robyn T. Braley

No matter how much time you spend creating a Crises Communication plan, you are never fully prepared when the unthinkable happens. 

You will never know how deeply the devastation can cut into your soul until it happens to you.

As you try to assess the degree to which your business has been destroyed while standing waist-deep in liquid filth, a crises communications plan may not be the first thing that comes to your mind.