Wednesday 28 October 2015

Think As if There is no Box! Creative Solutions for Challenging Problems

Think as if there is no box!

Written by Robyn T. Braley 

Business survival depends on producing results even when economies tank. To keep existing clients while trying to find new customers, the challenge is not to think outside the box. It is to think as if there is no box!

Every market segment is different. They just are. And, that is the fun in working with unique clients.

So, to suggest there are one-size-fits all solutions runs counter to the way we think at Unimark Creative. We like to walk beside our clients, learn more about their needs, and find ways to solve their marketing problems.

I always feel uncomfortable when asked to come up with lists of “must-have” marketing tools. The secret to business success is to identify your client’s needs and provide a solution that will meet them. Simple, right?

Hold on. When hit by an unpredictable economy, business owners are forced to consider programs they may not have considered previously. Some get back to the basics that helped them get started. Others do things they've never done before as they shore up existing business while also searching for new opportunities.

Friday 9 October 2015

Happy Thanksgiving Canada! 10 Reasongs to Just Say Thanks

The turkey says it all. Thanks!

Get that instant lift … just say “thanks!”

Written by Meg Braley

Want a "right this second" way to lift your spirits? Very simple – smile and say thanks! Thank your family members, employees, neighbors and co-workers. 

Right now you’re probably thinking about specific people who are special to you. Call them up or text them. Just say thanks for being who you are and for what you do. 

Why not …

  1. Call a customer and thank them for their business
  2. Call a supplier and thank them for their service
  3. Say thanks to first responders for just being there
  4. Say thanks to armies of volunteers who make our communities richer
  5. Saying thanks to Canadian military for risking themselves to protect us
  6. Say thanks to people you seldom interact with
  7. Say thanks to people who you always interact with
  8. Lift someone's spirits with a thanks and a smile
  9. Give thanks for the amazing democracy and land of opportunity we live in
  10. Give thanks for the opportunity to give back to those who need help