Saturday 22 February 2014

Trade Show Marketing - 10 Tips for Sales Success

Trade Show Selling Strategies

Tips for Success! Making the Main Thing the Main Thing

Written by Robyn T. Braley

The energy, passion and excitement of a great trade show make the medium a unique selling experience. They can be hot, cold, humid, dry and everything in between.

Some are loud while others are quiet. They can be a frenzy of selling and networking or … the alternative! Just the thought of empty aisles sends shivers of dread running up and down the spines of trade show veterans. 

Trade show selling can be fun. Exhausting, but fun! My clients have exhibited in Louisville, Moscow, Las Vegas, Chicago, Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, and points in between. Whether the show is large or small, the basic sales strategies are the same.

Goal Setting
Success begins by setting realistic goals. We say ‘realistic’ because every show is different and requires a thorough assessment. Goals may include;
  1. Communicating brand relevance and meaning 
  2. Positioning your company with the competition
  3. Shaping market attitudes and opinions about your brand
  4. Scouting the competition
  5. Profiling or demonstrating a product or service

Wednesday 12 February 2014

What Role do Leaders Play in Company Goal Setting?

Checking Out Leader's Roles 

Goal setting will play a key role in growing a business. 

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Part 1; Why Goal Setting, Part 2; The Leaders Role in Goal Setting, Choosing the Team Part 3; The Right Location for Goal Setting Part 4; Formula for Goal Setting Productivity Part 5; Action Plan 

Achieving Your Goals

In this post I focus on the role of leadership in building your brand through Goal Setting. When the economy is topsy turvey setting goals as a team will help bring focus and resolve. Identifying goals and implementing a plan to achieve them will equip your small business to hold steady in turbulent times.

Leaders Have to Be There
Believe it or not, I have known owners who chose not to participate in their own goal setting process. They said, “Let me know when you have something to show me.” 

By not participating, they removed themselves from the context in which the content - or goals – was created. Not participating set their company and them up, as the leader, for failure.  

Friday 7 February 2014

It's All About The Story; How Media Convergence Can Do Good Works

Traditional and New Media Convergence
Graph created by Unimark Creative 

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Clients periodically ask how new media and traditional media can work together. I wrote this article about two successful Rotary media events that I managed which demonstrate the principle. It was published in the February edition of the Rotary District 5360 newsletter.

A few days before the Super Bowl some of the scheduled TV commercials showed up on YouTube. During the television broadcast, advertisers paid $3.5 million to access the record setting audience of more than 111 million viewers. Two hours after the game I received a link through LinkedIn taking me to the entire collection. 

We are officially into the age of media convergence. Actually, we've been there for a number of years. Traditional media, online media and social media have intersected in ways we couldn't have imagined even five years ago.