Thursday 1 August 2013

Re-branding the Pig and the Cow

Re-branding the cow!
Re-branding the  Cow

Written by Robyn T. Braley 

I am still asked the question when I speak about branding or communication. “What exactly is a brand?” 

The question often comes from older people who think "brand" refers only to a logo. On the other side, similar questions come from younger people who are confused by the overuse of the term. 

I’m not surprised. The word is thrown around in different ways and in different contexts. No wonder there is confusion.

Crises Communication; Managing the Risk

When Lightning Strikes
Written by Robyn T. Braley

No matter how much time you spend creating a Crises Communication plan, you are never fully prepared when the unthinkable happens. 

You will never know how deeply the devastation can cut into your soul until it happens to you.

As you try to assess the degree to which your business has been destroyed while standing waist-deep in liquid filth, a crises communications plan may not be the first thing that comes to your mind.