Sunday 2 March 2014

Part 3 of 6: Goals Setting; Best Tips for Drafting A Winning Team

Chose The Right People for Goal Setting Success

Goal Setting Ideas to help you move your business to new levels of success.

Written by Robyn T. Braley

Part 1; Why Goal Setting; Part 2; Leaders Role Part 3; Drafting The Winning Team Part 4; A Location Where Anything Can Happen Part 5; Formula for Success Team Part 6; Implementing the Plan
Goal setting directly impacts branding, brand building and brand loyalty. A strong team will bring focus and creative synergy to the process.

It’s All About Team
When I organize goal setting sessions, I try to bring together a cross section of ages, genders, opinions and experiences. Ideally people who have good ideas, can communicate them well, and are comfortable participating in positive free flow discussions will be in the majority.

While you don’t want to include all “yes” people, you also want to create group synergy and a collegial working atmosphere.

Look for participants who are creative and fun to have in the room. The makeup of the team will have a direct impact on the goal setting outcomes. Let me review what you will accomplish;
·       Bring your team together
·       Strengthen team relationships
·       Visualize stretch goals by asking, “What if…
·       Prioritize according to need and practicality
·       Focus on the highest priority goals
·       Edit, refine, and clarify goals

Draft Day
Use a formula to draft your team to ensure all areast of your operation are represented. While it is a no-brainer that managers should be there, adding a lead employee from each section will inject slightly different views than the team leader.  
·       Marketing
·       Sales
·       Operations
·       Manufacturing
·       Customer service

However, final selections will be dictated by the leadership pool within your company. If the talent pool is deep, the decisions will be difficult. If it is shallow, well…

On another level, if you are the president and sole employee the decision about who participates will be obvious. However, if the talent pool in this scenario is shallow, maybe not.  

Dealing With Debbie Downer
Every company has one. A Debbie Downer, a Bobby But.., a Nancy Negative or a Billy Buzz Kill. Not everyone is a Suzi Sunshine, Charlie Cheerful or a Freddy Feelgood.

Debbie, Bobby, Nancy and Billy probably have valuable ideas to contribute and should be included. In the lead up to the session, find opportunities to challenge your Debbie to bring ideas for solving problems you know she is most passionate about.

Create an alliance with Debbie – or Bobby - that can be leveraged during the session. I will provide tips for managing difficult or strong willed people in the the fifth article in this series.

Those Close To the Action
It only makes sense to include key frontline workers for part if not all of the session. Providing an opportunity to contribute will encourage buy-in, empowerment and team-building.

Frontliners see things differently and offer solutions often overlooked by those further from the action. If the goal discussions include business sensitive or other high trust topics that should only be discussed only by the ESuite, organize the agenda so that frontliners can be included in other segments.

Expanding the Resource Pool
Entrepreneurs are often shy about asking for help. Consider including people you respect including mentors, marketers, management consultants, bookkeepers, suppliers or anyone else who might provide valuable input into identifying key goals.

While inviting outsiders requires high trust relationships, they will bring valuable ideas, experience and business or industry knowledge to the table. This is particularly helpful for Bootstrappers.

Invite them for only a portion of the day. They may become evangelists for your brand due to learning more about you and your intention to make your business better.

Sourcing Fundamental Information
My company, Unimark Creative, has conducted many market research projects and facilitated focus groups seeking input from our client’s customers.

I am always amazed by the quality and often blunt feedback we receive in a 20 minute interview. If you are experiencing a pivotal moment in the history of your company, polling your customers may be the best way to identify which goals you need to focus on. I would do that 1-2 months before the goal setting session.

·       Task a trusted employee with recording and transcribing the key sessions. I’m always amazed by the nuggets of information passed over in the animated discussion.  

·       All mobile devices should be left in a safe out-of-reach place for the entire day. How many times have planning groups achieved great synergy only to have it destroyed when someone receives an urgent email or text.

In my next post, part 4 of 5, I will provide tips for selecting an ideal location.  

Robyn T. Braley is a writer, speaker and songwriter. He is the President of UniMark Creative which focuses on website design, video production, media services (editorial and advertising), and graphic design.

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