Wednesday 5 March 2014

Top Golden Quotes by Canadian Winter Olympic Athletes; Sport, Business and Life

Golden Team Canada Quotes; Sports, Business and Life
Whether it's the summer or winter Olympic games, Canadian athletes provide inspirational moments that last a lifetime.

Written by Robyn T. Braley

The Brandit blog is about branding. Branding is driven by inspiration. There is a reason why elite athletes become inspirational keynote speakers. They’ve made life sacrifices in order to accomplish great things. In this post I include humorous and motivational tweets about Team Canada at the Winter Olympics in 2014. If you tweet, follow me and I promise to reciprocate.

I admit it. I’m hooked. I didn’t plan it that way, it’s just the way things turned out. Now, it’s a dependency. I can’t stop. I’ve become an unrepentant tweeter. During the Olympics I ramped it up a notch.

I’m an early riser and am often into the office by 5:30. I have a small flat screen TV to track news when we have media events happening. The opportunity was there for me to to tweet moments of brilliance and astute observations throughout the Olympics. Well, brilliant in my mind.
The men’s gold medal hockey game was especially fun. You really felt part of a community that was enjoying being Canadian. Imagine getting up at 4:00 am to watch hockey. Twitter provided the platform for a shared national experience.

For those who don’t imbibe, tweeting is really mini blogging. You are forced to express your thoughts in 140 characters including spaces. If you want to be retweeted, it’s best to narrow that down to 120.

The key is to find a voice and be consistent. I tweet about business, sports, politics and life. One of the strategies is to retweet your tweets at different times of the day. You communicate with different audiences.

Tweeting during events like the Olympics or Academy Awards connects you with national and even global communities. I’ve found that Sundays are great days to attract business followers. Many are too busy to tweet during the week.

Speaking of time management, there are excellent automation programs to coordinate all of your social media accounts, release messages across platforms, and schedule tweets to be released automatically.

Get-to-the Point
O.K., enough theory. I’ve taken out hashtags and other twitterisms and edited them for readability and organized the topics for flow. For those obsessed with counting, some are now more than 120 characters.

Pure Inspiration
1.     Canadian women’s Olympics 2014 slogan. ‘Adversity brings unity. Preparation equips for the unknown.’ Great motto.

2.     The mark of a winner. Assess your performance and make apppropriate changes. After analyzing Team Canada players and coaches, I’m not sure what those changes would be! - Robyn T. Braley

3.     Notice Carey Price did not mention "me" or "I" once. Talked about team system and how much fun it is to play behing an awesome defence.

4.     Hailey Wickenheizer; Don’t let the enormity of the moment in history be bigger than the play. Focus on the play.

5.     Gotta love the end of game shot of Teemu Selaenne leaning in to console Alexander Ovechkin. Sums up his approach to the game, team, country, and life. Also shows compasion.

6.     Kaillie Humphries gives credit for Bobsled gold to family and layers of support systems. It takes a village to raise a Gold Medal Champion.

7.     Just got an email from a client visiting Thailand. Can't find Olympic hockey info. Dying a slow death. Imagine! No hockey. That’s not right.

8.     Good news for Team Canada’s GM Stevey Y. Canada finaly beat Latvia’s goalie Gudefskis. Better news. Tampa owns his rights.

9.     Another Team Russia defeat. Putin not pleased. Russian players trying to make a hasty exit to Bolivia where there’s a rogue league. Does the KGB operate there? Scramble the Migs.

10. Hockey men get paid way more than hockey women. Cool that Crosby gave credit to Canadian women for advice.

About Coaching
1.     Bobsled coach Delahunty on making the Chris Spring change. "That's what coaches do. Make tough decisions."

2.     Kevin Dineen with a great tip for coaching and life. Put the right players in the right place and let them play.

3.     Talk about earning trust. Kevin Dineen gave his credit card to the entire women’s hockey team and told them to go for dinner when they were in Austria. He sent them out shopping. Smart!

4.     Mike Babcock. Win the little battles, be disciplined and stay ready to take advantage of the opportunities.

5.     Another Babcockism. We are all about team. Everyone has a role. There are no eagles on the bench. Did he say Eagles? Hawks, maybe.

6.     Is Sindey Crosby in the lineup today? Wherezzzz Sidney. Therezzz Sidney. Finaly.

On Being Canadian
1.     Steve Podborski. "We've managed to do both. Being the best and being Canadian."

2.     What defines a Canadian, eh? Not ethnicity. Not language. It's surviving the 2014 winter and getting up with millions of fellow countrymen to watch Gold Medal hockey at 4 AM. – Robyn T. Braley

3.     Justin Trudeau, Liberal Convention; Can you trust a Canadian political leader who schedules a national convention on a pivotal hockey weekend?

4.     Just discovered US TV is carrying the mold medal game. That's different. Do they know Team USA is not in it?

5.     Retweet; I wish America had a sport that captured Americans the way hockey captures Canadians. Pride. Passion. Pucks.

6.     Kailie Humphries on the lost telephone connection with Prime Minister Harper after winning gold. Whoops!

Team Canada Women’s Gold Medal Game
1.     Team Canada women shaking hands following Gold Medal with Team USA women. A handshake and a growl!

2.     Lesson in focus and discipline. Bad refereeing and the puck hitting post with the net empty would have rattled the best. O, Canada!

3.     On Kevin Dineen. What a gold medal accomplishment. Many fired NHL coaches would have declined the women's team gig. He called the experience life altering.  

Team Canada Men’s Gold Medal Game
1.     Key for Team Canada. Focus on the play, not the historical moment. Focus. Zone time. – Robyn T. Braley

2.     Retweet of a Getty Images Team Canada photo after winning gold; You can't tell by look on their faces who played the most or least. They are all just winners! – Robyn T. Braley

3.     Just got a Rotary tweet from India. Didn't mention gold medal hockey. Is that allowed?

4.     Think church attendance will be down. Busy with other Canadian religion. Hockey! 'Oh God..please..11/2 more periods. – Robyn T. Braley

Don Cherry
1.     What if Don Cherry’s fashion sense catches on internationally? Will Canadians be held responsible?

2.     Don Cherry is talking about Drew Doughty's pants irregularity. Really? Now that's content.

3.     Retweet; Trust Don cherry to draw the attention of Swedish spies to Doughty’s illegal pants.

4.     Did Don Cherry just say the Canadian women players are bigger? Is that a good idea? Do women want to hear that?
Robyn T. Braley is a writer, speaker and occasional media guest. He is the President of UniMark Creative which does website design, video production, media services (editorial and advertising), and graphic design. He speaks at business conferences and also blogs about branding. 

Twitter: @robyntbraley

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